
Sensi Seeds Hemp Oil 3% CBD (30ml) Konopný olej

Sensi Seeds CBD produkt je čistě přírodní výtažek z Konopí, za studena lisovaný olej z konopných semen + přírodní vitamín E v jednom.

Sensi Seeds CBD oil is a food supplement based on cannabidiol, a natural constituent of the Cannabis sativa L. plant.

One bottle of 30ml Sensi Seeds CBD oil contains 900mg of CBD (cannabidiol).This extract is made from hemp plants grown within the European Union, without the use of pesticides or herbicides, in order to produce a safe product of the highest quality.

1 190 Kč

Cena v EUR: 48 EUR


CBD Oil je extrakt z konopí. Je zde izolována látka CBD (cannabidiol-kanabidiol). 

Jedna lahvička obsahuje 10ml extraktu, z toho 300mg čistého CBD. Jedna kapka pak odpovídá zhruba 1mg CBD

Kromě hlavní složky CBD obsahuje výtažek z konopí od Sensi Seeds další přírodní látky, kanabinoidy, nejznámější jsou CBG (cannabigerol) a CBN (cannabinol), dále terpeny, včetně myrcenů, limonenů, alfa a beta pinenů, linaloolu, B-karyofylenů, oxidu karyofylenu, Humulene, nerolidol a fytol...


Výtažek z konopí od Sensi Seeds je vyroben pouze z organického konopí a při pěstováni nebyly použity žádné herbicidy ani pesticidy! SENSI SEEDS OIL  je zárukou kvality!


Sensi Seeds CBD oil contains different phytocannabinoids, the most well-known being CBD, CBC (cannabichromene), CBG (cannabigerol), and CBN (cannabinol).It also contains terpenes, including Myrcene, Limonene, Alpha & Beta -pinene, Linalool, B-caryophyllene, Caryophyllene oxide, Humulene, Nerolidol and Phytol.

Other natural substances found in Sensi Seeds CBD oil include: alkanes, nitrogenous compounds, amino acids, sugars, aldehydes, ketones, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins, pigments, water and hemp seed oil.

Store away from sunlight, heat and humidity. Refrigerate after opening.
Shake before use.

As a dietary supplement, use twice daily. Place up to 1/2ml (15 drops) under the tongue, hold for 60 seconds, and then swallow. 1 drop contains approximately 1mg of CBD.

Consistent high quality is of paramount importance to us. Our CBD products are tested at every stage of the manufacturing process to verify the cannabinoid content and confirm the absence of contaminants.

Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet or using any new product.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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